Thursday 26 August 2010

Lazy Days

Its been 18 Days now, since i got my new hip ! Each day i feel stronger and a little more like my old self - i do find it very frustrating not being able to do what i normally do ( usually at a million miles an hour) but i am getting there - the drugs are helping - so too is the occasional slurp of wine, the champagne we had the other night to welcome my new piece of porcelain was particularly lovely !
Anyhow, whilst lying around on my very comfy superkingsize having a few Lazy Days, I have been having a little film fest - my darling friend Tracy - bought 2 kitchen sink dramas for us to watch - I had told her I had heard the first part of a play on Radio 4 Woman's Hour - A Kind Of Loving - and was desperate to see the film again, having watched it years ago, she duly went on Amazon and bought it, along with another classic, Spring and Port Wine. They were brill and we laughed so much when we saw the curtains tablecloths pottery etc. that our mothers and grandmothers used to have. I totally recommend them both. On the movie channel I noticed that TCM had THIS FILM The Girl With Green Eyes starring the adorable Rita Tushingham, my lovely mother had a huge book with Ednas novels poetry and plays, which I devoured as a young girl so this too was a blast from my past. I have recorded the epic Australia with Ms Kidman in the starring role and as i do have 3hours to spare that will be my next one.

I have also been emailing, speaking, facebooking and catching up with so many wonderful people that I have been so privileged to have known in my life, that has been one huge bonus of this whole new hip thing.

We all should have a few Lazy Days !

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